The Education Center
The Education Center is a library of information directed to help you understand your illness and the possible recovery therapies. Free and objective resources are geared toward patients to help them make informed decisions on their recovery. Body of Health encourages widespread use of its educational materials.

Deep_Tissue_Massage2Massage Therapy

Types of Massage Therapy
Body of Health Integrates multiple Massage Techniques in All of their Massages. These include Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Release, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Scar Therapy. Learn More…


Cancer_Care3Cancer Treatment

Adjunct Therapies
Oncology massage enhances healing of the entire body by integrating the western and eastern modalities of body work in order to address the symptoms of both cancer treatment and the disease.
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Scar_Therapy2Post Surgery – Scar Therapy

Helping You Heal
I have had wonderful results with my clients with both new and old scars following surgery. Learn More…


lymph_systemThe Lymphatic System

The Main Function
The lymphatic system is composed of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and organs. Lymph is basically the fluid and protein that has been squeezed out of the blood. Learn More…


Lymph WrappingLymphedema

Symptoms, Causes, Coping
Lymphedema is caused by a blockage in your lymphatic system, an important part of your immune and circulatory systems.
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plastic surgeryPlastic Surgery Recovery

The lymph capillaries and tissues are damaged after plastic surgery procedures such as tummy tuck, face lift, breast reconstruction, liposuction, etc. Learn More…



Nutrition FactsNutrition Facts

Read these important nutrition facts and find out which ones can help you achieve your health goals.
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