Be the MVP of Your Health Team
I think you would agree that we have become a society of conveniences. Everything is instant; even our oatmeal. What we need to understand is that our bodies are not “instant”. They require long-term care. We have to take care of them like we do a car. If you could only own one car for life, how would you care for it? Would you drive it as fast as it would go? How often would you change the fluids? What type of fuel would you use? Our bodies need fuel as well. You wouldn’t put sugar into your gas tank so why would you put it into your body? Our good fuels come in the form of water, veggies, seeds, and nuts. Our bodies digest and absorb these type of things naturally. Unfortunately, most of us do not get nearly enough to sustain our health.
We are expected to work long hours and then get home just in time to shuttle kids around or facilitate a meeting of some sort. These are not bad things, but you need to find time for yourself. You do not have to join a health club to find health. You can do stretching routines at home for twenty minutes. You can walk the neighborhood. You can go to bed thirty minutes earlier. You can turn off the TV and accomplish those “honey-do” items which burn calories and, afterward, still have the time and energy to sit down and read a book with your kids.
We say all of this because we are often so frustrated. We love our clients like members of our own family and want them to be at their very best. It is frustrating to hear that our clients do not have enough time or resources to take good care of themselves. Our clients are the MVP in the game of life. They can hurt less, heal quicker and have a better quality of life if they only had a game plan. That is what we all need …. a game plan. This takes thought, planning, and homework. We can work out your kinks, but you have to do your part as well. Twenty minutes in the morning is enough time for you to prepare a healthy lunch for work (instead of eating out), do some stretching, and drink a full glass of water. We promise you, you’ll like how you feel. A good thing for all of us – turn off the computers and television and spend that time exercising, cooking, resting, reading, and just…..being.
It is important to do your daily activities so that it is not like starting all over when you come into your next session. The therapists have to spend longer on tissues that would be softened if the client had just done the stretching exercises and increased his water intake. Then the client gets frustrated because it is taking longer to release the muscles and reduced the pain.
If you just do a few of the things that are required by every individual to stay healthy, you will be ahead of the game. We are here to guide and help you, but we have to work together. It is up to you to value yourself enough to be responsible for your participation in your health and in the game of life!
Remember, it took time for your body to start hurting so it will take time for it to heal. There are no short cuts to healing. You have to have manual massage therapy, drink your water, stretch, and exercise. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible in order to build your immune function. This is a team effort, so be the MVP and do your part in taking care of your body.