New Research Analysis Indicates Value of Massage Therapy for Surgical Pain
article source – American Massage Therapy Association
Based on the evidence, massage therapy can be effective for reducing pain intensity/severity and anxiety in patients undergoing surgical procedures.
This is the conclusion of a collaborative meta-analysis of research on massage therapy for pain conducted by Samueli Institute and commissioned by the
Massage Therapy Foundation, with support from the American Massage Therapy Association. This review and analysis is published in the journal Pain Medicine.
Surgical-related Pain Management
Pain management is a critical and challenging issue for patients who are either about to undergo or recovering from surgical or operative procedures. If postoperative pain is effectively managed at the acute stage or during immediate postsurgical periods, patients are often able to recover uneventfully and return to their normal daily activities. Chronic pain places significant psychosocial and economic burdens on patients and represents a major public health problem.
Massage Therapy Recommended for Pain & Anxiety
The study concludes that patients should consider massage therapy as a therapeutic option to help manage their pain and anxiety from surgical procedures.